We currently do not accept same-day appointments online. However, you are welcome to walk-in to see the doctor today.
We currently do not accept same-day appointments online. However, you are welcome to walk-in to see the doctor today.
Yes, we do accept walk-in patients Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am- 4:30 pm, however we recommend you try scheduling an appointment online first. This way you can minimize your waiting period during your visit.
Please bring your State Issued ID, Social Security Number, and your Insurance card. Also, we require all new patients to fill out a patient intake form. This form can be filled out online before coming for your appointment. Click here to fill out the patient in-take form.
If for any reason you are unable to make your appointment as scheduled please cancel the appointment using the link provided in the email confirmation you received from us. Note We Charge a fee of $25 for patient that scheduled an appointment and failed to show up or cancel at least 2 hours in advance.
No, we are currently unable to accept someday appointment online. However you are welcome to walk-in between the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm.
Appointment confirmations will be sent to you as soon as a Lakewood Family Clinic team member can review and approve your appointment. Generally this is done within 24hrs of your appointment. To ensure you receive the email when it is sent, we ask that you add to your contact list.
For a list of accepted insurances please visit the page Accepted Insurance.
Yes, we do accept cash.
You can cancel your appointment using the link provided in the email confirmation you received from us. Note We Charge a fee of $25 for patients that scheduled an appointment and failed to show up or cancel at least 2 hours in advance.
We currently accept appointments for visits 48hrs in advance
You can pay your co-pay online by visiting the page Bill Pay.